Emma Ebowe

Emma Ebowe

Resident Tutor
Emma Ebowe

Hello Quincy! I’m Emma and I’m so excited to be joining Quincy house this year as a resident tutor!

I grew up in London, England, before travelling to Montreal to do my undergraduate degree in German Studies and Political Science at McGill University. Around that time I also worked as a management consultant all around the UK – in everything from public policy and tech to the fashion industry – before I decided to start my PhD. I’m now a third year in the Government department, with a secondary in African and African American Studies, and I focus on political philosophy. My current research is on theories about the welfare state, feminism and black political thought, but I love talking about and reading all kinds of philosophy.

During Covid I rekindled my passion for sci-fi and fantasy novels so please come say hi if you want to talk book recommendations, experiences abroad, politics, tech or anything else. I can’t wait to meet all of you and get to know you over the next year!

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